Tick List

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cake eating

I don't really enjoy cake.  I do enjoy cookies and ice cream though!  "Having my ice cream and eating it too," doesn't really have as much of a profound impact.  One MUST eat the ice cream, otherwise it will just melt all over everything and make a complete mess.

I digress.

I just spent the last moldy and damp 2 days hanging out with 25 females and 2 males at a retreat center in north Washington.  All of us part of the Fall 2011 cohort in a variety of Antioch University in Seattle, Master of Arts program.   It was an enlightening and frustrating two days.  Mixed emotions about why I am starting this journey, and a bit long winded as conversation and the flow of ideas are concerned.  I look forward to the challenges classroom immersion provides.  This weekend should be knowledge packed, as I have four 9-530 days in a row.  Topics include Methods in Sustainability and Systems change.

Wes is currently working in Rapid City for the next 10 days or so.  After which we will meet up in Yosemite valley.  This is where the cake part comes in.  I am attempting to go to graduate school, climb my ass off, and take a WEMT course to further my guiding company and other climbing related pursuits.

Countless e-mails to various environmental non-profits returned fruitless new vocation avenues.  I haven't given up hope, and I am aware that phone calls and hand shakes make all the difference!!  I selfishly admit that I would also like to continue this climbing thing.  I am getting a better head these days and the injections of Chromosome 19 (the try hard gene) are seemingly working!  I recognize that this is a slim pursuit as far as money and sponsorship go, but I don't want to NOT try! 

For now the schedule and work load of graduate school is conducive to this idealist lifestyle.  Monetary funds, thanks to "Maple" (our new home on wheels) are quite limited, but I think with a little writing or creativity funds may procure.  If not, I will search harder for work....either that or delve further into the student loans!  HA!

(Pictures of van to come).

So, while I half-heartedly explore non-profits and environmentally based organizations that may have openings in grant writing, policy research, event planning, education programming, etc.   I continue to pursue climbing goals, graduate school, and personal company goals.  My plate is full and Wes is amazingly supportive.  He is ready to settle down, have a garden, a house, and a mailbox.  I just can't settle yet.    I am not exhausted yet.

We will see if I maintain!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

9 fingers to type!!

I have driven to Littleton, Sante Fe, and now flying to MSP.  All of this in attempt to FINALLY end the talk and walk the walk.
I, Quinn Lenae Brett, want a Dodge Sprinter van.
Preferably one with a sliding door that actually works and a dealership that cares that I want to buy it.

As my lovely boyfriend could have easily warned me, if he were not traveling for the last 3 weeks for work, "that is New Mexico."  Sante Fe dealership a JOKE.  How about we call it another life lesson!!
Really, it is it's own can of worms.

SUSAN YOU ARE AMAZING!  TOMMY, you too for answering so many freeking questions!!

So, after I was an IDIOT and sold my car to guy, but didn't realize I didn't have the Title, I have been waiting for 5 days for Toyota to send it to me!  Not only have I NOT sold the car, but now totally lost the sale.  AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Just more frustrating that I expected things to happen, and waited patiently for the mail to come but 5 days later (I fly out tomorrow so of course it will come while I am gone).

I also smooooooooooooooshed my finger hiking.  HIKING.  Wesley would have also said, "well, thats why we don't like hiking."  I know it looks harmless, but from mid-knuckle down finger is black and blue and doesn't bend.

He wouldn't have really said that, but it just goes to show how much he dislikes hiking.

Smoooshed finger.  Can't climb.  Supposed to leave for Yosemite today with my new sprinter van, sans Corolla and ready to climb body.  OPS!

Not happening.  Instead I fly to Minnesota, as Meridee works for Delta and gave me a buddy pass.  Hope to for realZ by a van, drive it home, heal finger, and CLIMB in yosemite come FRIDAY!!!!!!!

Maybe this one???
Life is not difficult.  It is fun, but it certainly is PACKED and slightly hard to manage!!  I am fortunate.  I  do realize, but finger injury and unfortunate events do still impede upon morale.

Oh, also gave my first slideshow the other day.  I think it went well.  Presentation okay, everyone enjoyed music and photos!!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Blogging.  I have had a few lame attempts.  I am good at keeping a journal, but blogging?
It is time again to try.
I did great with our expedition blog, until the expedition was over.  Craig was really good about writing, so I kind of just let him run the show.
This blog is mine.  No one to relinquish my laziness too.
Personal blog= Self Promotion.  Self Promotion= Less time actually playing and more time talking about playing.
I have my concerns with self promotion. 

As my good friend Karl (pictured) once said, "Enough about me talking about me, let's hear what you have to say about me."

I am not the greatest writer nor am I sold on the idea that other people might have an interest in reading about Quinn Lenae Brett.  Yet, I have some personal goals that I would like to accomplish and I think a blog would help.
58 Degree water.  No wetsuit!
One of those goals is climbing related.  I am trying to climb harder these days, more importantly, get my name out there.  Since I don't live in Boulder, have yet to go to the ever important 'Trade Show' in Salt Lake City, nor do have a 5.13 climbing resume......the process is slow.

Other problems.  I drink more wine and margaritas than I should.  I also am not entirely focused on climbing as a profession, for a few reasons.  One, competing in triathlons and hand-stands contests are equally as interesting.  I am quite good at them too.  WATCH OUT!!!!
Andrew Barnes, Wes and I--Handstand Across the World

B.), I don't have rich parents who are willing to financially support me, nor do I play the lotto.    Last, work is a must.  I tend to LIKE to work also (shh, don't tell anyone).  When my bank account gets to a low number I don't like, I find work to beef it back up to an adequate number.  

This all takes away from the full dirtbag lifestyle of living years on the road climbing to my hearts content.
Oh the sights!
I do, however, climb and enjoy climbing immensely.  It is a physical and mental challenge unlike any other.  I have traveled to cool places, met some fabulous people and seen vistas I otherwise would never see.  See below. 
Onto the self-promotion part.  I have a few 5.12 climbs under my belt.  I may hold a few female run/solo records in RMNP.  That is if a female record is different than a males records, if not, I am pretty darn happy with my personal records on certain ridges and solo's in the park.

Enough of that.  Time for bed.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Peter Pan

"If it is beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I'll never grow up not me!"

Who wouldn't want to wear leggings, fly around an enchanted land and play the day away, even pause to fend off the bullies?

Have we lost our childhood dream to the societal metronome that urges us to graduate and procreate?  The debate of bearing children, selfishness in living, striving for well-being, and fear of being outcast, are all quite prevalent as I begin to write.

In a simple "see Jack run" way, I wish we could all try to see life this way.  Climb a mountain.  Grow up emotionally, continue to work the self, for the betterment of ourselves and the relationships that we are surrounded by.  We should actively participate in our community and never loose sight of the fact that we are living now.

Why would I want to spend my precious moments nose deep in a stagnant un-stimulating environment for a higher up that I may never meet.  We are not supposed to shuffle along thoughtless to exterior ideas, slaving away meek wages to supplement someone else's family fortune?  I don't want to work for anyone I can't shake hands with.  I shake hands with the natural environment every day, sometimes I get a face full.  I wouldn't trade these experiences for anything.

Balance between leisure and work is a touchy subject.  Work too much and you are stressed, divorced, rich, motivated and empty.  Work too little and you are labeled a slacker, smiley, unintelligent, resourceful, poor, uninsured, and aware.

For now, I enjoy climbing upwards.  Seeing new heights physically and metaphorically.  Nothing provides me with more joy and exhileration than to spend a day adventuring in one of the worlds beautiful natural places.  I would prefer to climb a rock or tree than a corporate ladder.


So, I have a few works in progress, but I am ever critical of my writings and my thoughts.  Upon editing, I notice the brash and "acute" thoughts I TRY to portray, and question myself.  Therefore, I don't publish.  Then weeks go by and I forget I even attempted a blog.

Soon I will get over myself and post something for the greater good of brain.