Tick List

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I have been joking with friends that this year will be a good running year!  Last year was awesome, many 5k's and a relay marathon!  I just want to get back to my roots....running and soloing....and I hope to find the time to do so!  
First Flatiron

In Costa Rica I ran most every morning for 20-40 minutes, mainly to balance the rum intake.  I did do some hill work-outs or sprints on the beach.  I also was doing a couple of hours of yoga, surfing, and biking around the quaint town of Nosara.  

Sprint's include a 100m at max speed with 100m jogging recovery x 8.  Depending on how frisky I fell, I repeat two or three times.  I am usually at the track or some dirt trail while I am on the road.  What inspired the track work-outs....?
"How can you expect to run fast if you never run fast?"  Kevin Soviak (friend and Estes Park Track Coach)

At the Yoga Teacher Training in Baja, I alternated between bouldering on the beach with running at our lunch break.  Again mixing 45 minute runs with quicker tempo runs at about 20-25 minutes.  

During the last week of training, we had a little siesta from our 'usual' routine.  Saturday was an "off"
day, intended for a Vision Quest--or personal discovery time.  The intention was to find a quite mind, meditate, and be with yourself.  Rather than choosing to find "privacy" on the beach or the nearby mountain with 26 other yoga teachers-in-training who would also be doing the same activity--- Annie and I decided we would wake up with the sun and run to the nearest town, Todos Santos.  
We thought Todos Santos was about 10 miles away.  Turns out that was the town of El Pescadero, Todos Santos was actually another 8.2 miles further north.  
Our anticipation was about 4 hours of running time--2 out, 2 back.  Upon reaching Pescadero we had a brief conversation of continuing or turning around.  If we were to really continue to Todos Santos, we would surely hitchhike back--as we needed to be back to our Yoga home by 2pm.  
Run/solo day--Blitzen Ridge, RMNP

We ran on, what turned out to be roughly 27km, arriving in Todos Santos about 2 and half hours after our start.  Here we hydrated, wandered about town a little, and then stuck out our thumbs for a ride back!  Wonderful to discover I could still run a fair distance "off the couch."  

Since, being home in Estes Park, I have gone on one 14 miler, and a couple 6-10 mile runs.  Usually alternating between running and swimming 3-4 times a week.

This last week the first flatiron in Boulder was in great condition.  I had an afternoon free, so I did a couple of laps.  I walked/jogged the trail up in 15 minutes (lazy in the mud, next time run the whole time up.)  I soloed the first lap in 22 minutes.  The trail down was still somewhat of an ice luge, so the decent took a little bit of time.  Overall, I did 2 laps in ~ and hour and a half.  Not bad, I hope to work the time down but a car-to-car time is tough as I usually like to do more than just one lap on the first.   

See you out on the muddy trails!

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